
Industry dynamics


China's New Energy Vehicles or 5 million by 2020

Time:2019-01-08 09:28:38 Author:admin Visits:78

Recently, Erie Consulting released the "China New Energy Automobile Industry Research Report 2018" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report").

According to the report, China's automotive market will be cold in the short term in 2018, while the new energy vehicles will rise against the trend and the market scale will expand rapidly. It is expected to achieve the target of 5 million vehicles by 2020. With the introduction of new energy automobile policy, the new energy automobile industry has entered a deeper market-oriented process.

The report points out that there are three main reasons why China's new energy automobile market can achieve leap-forward growth in five years. Firstly, some automobile companies have strong foundation in research, development and commercial application of hybrid technology and lightweight material technology. Secondly, other countries do not have large subsidies and efficient incentives similar to China. Thirdly, the geographical traffic conditions and the concept of using cars in different countries are different.

According to the analysis of the Report, China is the most potential automobile market in the world. At present, China's automobile ownership level is about 169 vehicles per thousand people, only 30-50% of the mature market. China plans to achieve the goal of 5 million new energy vehicles by 2020. Market participants should have enough confidence in this. At the same time, under the combined effects of technological progress, policy support, capital preference, increasingly perfect infrastructure construction, gradual enhancement of consumers'environmental protection concept and rising consumption of clean energy products, the production and sales of new energy automobiles have repeatedly reached new heights, with the holding volume expected to reach 2.6 million vehicles by the end of 2018.

"Report" emphasizes that although the short-term cold can not hide the huge capacity of the market, but the continuous downward growth is undoubtedly a signal of the growing maturity of China's automotive market, more intense market competition has arrived.

In addition, in terms of industry policy, "double integral policy" will effectively stimulate the production of new energy vehicles, and the new energy automobile industry has entered a deeper market process. In addition, in addition to the purchase tax, the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries and commissions "Notice on the Policy of Tax on Vehicles, Vehicles and Vessels for Saving Energy and Using New Energy" stipulate that new energy vehicles and vessels listed in the "Catalogue of Vehicles for Saving Energy and Using New Energy Vehicles and Vehicles for Reducing or Exempting Vehicle and Vessel Tax" can be exempted from vehicle and ship tax. According to the report, due to the wide range of policy application, controllable amount of money involved and significant incentive effect, tax and fee reduction and exemption at the consumer end will become the main incentive policy in the long run.

In the short run, China will still be the growth pole of the global automotive market. Under the premise that domestic and foreign automotive enterprises focus on China and in the increasingly market-oriented competition, China's new energy automotive enterprises can make long-term development plans from the perspective of alliance, jointly develop common platforms to reduce costs and continue the production and sales advantages of China's new energy automotive enterprises in the world. At the same time, we should set up industry chain thinking to open up the upstream and downstream industries closely related to new energy vehicles. China's new energy automotive enterprises can establish a deep cooperative relationship with upstream power battery suppliers, and develop new energy automotive platforms from the perspective of power batteries in order to seek cost reduction and technological breakthroughs.

(Source: China Economic Times)

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